
Benefits of chicken — Both to your health and to the country’s economy.

Chicken is very good source of high-quality protein with low calorie and low fat content. Chicken provides important nutrients throughout our lives – from pregnancy through our childhood , adulthood and later years of our life.

Besides offering nutritional benefits Poultry industry is an important economic sector in India because of its enormous potential to bring about rapid economic growth.

There is a regular flow of income in poultry sector which provides enormous benefits to rural and urban economy in India. Poultry sector is considered as the one with highest employability per unit of investment among all livestock segments.

Here’s how chicken powers your body, from head to toe…

1. Nutrients in Chicken help boost your mood.
Chicken is rich source of tryptophan, an amino acid that is responsible for increasing serotonin levels in your brain. Serotonin is the “feel-good” neurochemical linked to your mood.

2. Chicken improves your cognitive health.
Chicken is rich source of vitamin B12 and choline, which together promote brain development in children. These two vitamins help the nervous system function properly and aid cognitive performance in older adults.

3. Chicken helps Build your Muscles
Chicken is a rich source of high-quality protein. Chicken protein has good amino acids profile to benefit muscle growth.

4. Chicken improves Bone Strength
Chicken is a source of high quality dietary protein. Protein in chicken is very important for bone health.

5. Chicken is good for Heart Health
Chicken is a good source of under-consumed vitamins and minerals, which play important role in heart health. Chicken is low-fat , low calorie food with high-quality protein which is good for heart health.

6. Chicken helps loose Weight
Chicken meat is an excellent source of protein and at the same time low in fat and calorie. High protein foods boost your metabolism and give feeling of satiety. Consuming chicken is helpful for managing weight and a normal blood sugar.

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