
Analytical Laboratory : A must for successful Feed Mill Business

Running a feed mill is very competitive business nowadays as maintaining quality of feed at  competitive prices is key to success. It becomes very challenging when you have to make a feed which gives good performance at farm level and at the same time feed is economical also. One need to have thorough understanding about scientific procedures and processes involved in maintenance of quality of feed.

Importance of Analytical Laboratory

 Laboratory is best science backed tool for production of high quality feed. Regular analysis of feed ingredients can help a feed miller to identify the vendor with best quality raw material. Selection of a good source of procurement of feed ingredients is very important for maintaining quality of feed. Regular analysis of feed ingredients will not only help to maintain the quality but will also help to negotiate better price. There are three important parameters for analysis in feed Ingredients.

1. Analysis for Nutrient Values

2. Analysis of Contaminants

3. Analysis for Adulterants

1.Analysis for Nutrient values

Knowledge of nutrient value of a feed ingredient is important in order to meet  the nutritional requirements of animal. The nutrient values of a feed stuff may vary from season to season, vendor to vendor, batch to batch as also within a batch. That’s why it is very important to go for laboratory analysis to determine their nutrient values before including them into feed. Nutritional requirements of animal in every batch of feed are met on the basis of nutrient value of feed ingredient predicted by laboratory analysis.

 2.Analysis for contaminants

Contaminants are substances which  are present in feed raw materials or acquired during processing, handling, storage. Contaminants exceeding safety levels may negatively influence growth and production of livestock. 
Soyabean contains contaminants like Trypsin Inhibitors, Saponins and haemagglutinins. Soyabean with high levels of these anti nutrients may negatively impact the performance of livestock. Laboratory analysis may help feed miller to identify the source of Soyabean with lesser levels of contaminants. Similarly feed ingredients may contain different contaminants like mycotoxins , insecticides  and fungicides like Thiram ,which are harmful for growth and production. Ingredients should be tested for contaminants on regular basis to avoid the raw material with high levels of contaminants.

3.Analysis for Adulterants

Adulterants are substances which are deliberately added to feed ingredients to get economic benefits. Adulterants have negative effects on feed quality and performance of livestock. Sand , husk ,dust and urea are common adulterants added to feed ingredients. Regular testing should be done to identify adulterants in feed ingredients for maintaining quality of feed.    

Testing of Feed Ingredients

Different feed ingredients need to be analyzed for different parameters. Common tests for feed ingredients include  moisture level, Calcium and phosphorus levels, mycotoxins , Thiram ,crude protein, crude fibre , ether extract and ash etc.

Micronutrients like Vitamin and Trace Minerals Premixes, and other medicaments can be tested for their potency.

Testing for Finished Feed

Quality of finished feed determines performance of bird. Every batch of finished feed should be analysed in laboratory for different parameters to check the quality of feed. 
Common test to determine the quality of feed are moisture content , crude protein, crude fiber, calcium and phosphorus levels , total ash and  salt etc

Apart from these tests there are certain other tests which are important to ensure feed quality.

CV (Coefficient of Variation) testing should be done on regular basis to check the mixing efficiency. Testing for particle size and pellet durability should be done.


One cannot assume the nutrient values of feed ingredients on the basis of published data. In any feed formulation nutrient values should be considered on the basis of laboratory analysis. It is very important to do so for producing high quality feed at lower prices. Feed Miller can establish a laboratory at his own premise or can take the help of a reputed laboratory. Feed manufacturing business has become very competitive so producing high quality feed at economic prices is key to success. So a laboratory at feed mill is a must to produce high quality feed at lower rates. Laboratory can also help feed miller to identify better vendors.

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