DiseasePoultry Medicine

Amprolium Hydrochloride : For treatment and prevention of Coccidiosis

Amprolium Hydrochloride is a vitamin B1 analogue which gives its action by competitively inhibiting uptake of thiamine. It is categorized as a coccidiostat which is used for the prevention and treatment of coccidiosis in livestock. It is most active against E. tenella, E. necatrix and E. acervulina and to lesser extent E. maxima.  Animal coccidiosis is usually caused by Eimeria tenella, Eimeria necatrix in several animals like sheep, chickens, goats, calves, turkeys. Here, due to taking Amprolium Hydrochloride, the coccidia gets thiamine deficiency and this in turn kills them.

Amprolium is thiamine antagonist and due to its close structural similarity it blocks the thiamine receptors. This blockage of receptors prevents coccidia from utilizing thiamine and as a result thiamine is unavailable to coccidian (Competitive inhibition of thiamine uptake). Here, due to taking Amprolium Hydrochloride, the coccidia gets thiamine deficiency and this in turn kills them.

Amprolium is effective against 1st generation of trophozoites and schizonts and shows peak activity early in day 3 of cycle. It also suppresses the sexual stages, gametogony and sporulation of oocyst. 

Amprolium is also available in combination with ethopabate, sulphaquinoxaline or even pyrimethamine extended and strengthened the spectrum of activity. Amprolium is compatible with vitamins, antibiotics, minerals and other ingredients commonly used in poultry ration but it should not be mixed in concentrates containing high levels of choline because of tendency for it to break down into picric acid.

Continuous use of Amprolium is resulting into the development of drug resistance which is a major problem and limiting its use.

Amprolium is given at an inclusion of 125 ppm.

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